Mustaches Mens Shirt

Mustaches Mens Shirt

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Regular price $25.00
$9 to customize the shirt
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About This Shirt

Movember means one magical thing: MUSTACHES! Sure, Movember comes but once a year, but we can keep the magic alive for 365 days with stylin facial hair and rockin mustache accessories. Celebrate great mustaches in history like Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Freddie Mercury, Mike Ditka, Salvador Dali, Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds, Lando Calrissian, Snidley Whiplash, Yosemite Sam, Wilford Brimley, Clark Gable, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Groucho Marx, Albert Einstein, Ron Burgandy, Frank Zappa, Hulk Hogan, Sam Elliot, Charlie Chaplin, Borat, Alex Trebek, Zangief, John Swanson, and John Waters. Show your love for bitchin' facial hair every single day of the year with this custom shirt showing off this totem pole of holy mustaches. Whether you prefer the handlebar, the chevron, the yardboss, the horseshoe, the walrus, the pencilthin, the Fu Manchu, the boxcar, the porn star, the Ditka, or the copstache, everyone can agree that mustaches are the ultimate facial accessory. Sing the praises of the mighty mustache with this exclusive design from Chicago's favorite Movember stop for custom mustache shirts, Strange Cargo. Get this design on your favorite tee shirt or hoodie today and start making a Movember scene!

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